Skin & Makeup Women's Fashion

Organizing Tips for the Bathroom

Are your bathroom cabinets a mess?  Do you constantly hunt for items in your vanity? If you have trouble keeping your bathroom and vanity organized and clutter-free, there is hope.  A plethora of great solutions exist to help you tame this problem.  Here are a few tips to get you started.


Fortunately, organizing makeup can be easy.  All you need is a few makeup bags and some nice cups for eye pencils, or you could go all out and purchase containers specially-designed for lipsticks and such.  The most important thing is to group all the like items together, such as sponges and applicators in one place, brushes in another, eye shadow in a third and so on.  Often, makeup sets from department stores come in pretty boxes, and those can be used to make your vanity area look pleasing, especially if you have little drawer space.


Having a ton of jewelry is a blessing, but where should you put it all!  If this is your problem, Jewelry Organizers can come to your rescue!  They come in many shapes and sizes, and can be made to insert in drawers or be displayed on the vanity or on walls.  Some are even made with full-length mirrors attached and stand on the floor.  You should first take inventory to see how much of each type of bauble you have, so that you can purchase enough storage for it.  Don’t forget to plan for extra space, though!  You might need it if you plan to keep collecting.


Medicines and medical supplies can be tricky to organize, since they come in so many different shapes and sizes.  One great way is to start with purchasing a Lazy Susan turntable.  These are often sold in the kitchen department of stores, where they are meant to hold spices or cleaning supplies.  However, they make excellent accessories for the bathroom cabinet, especially for liquids like rubbing alcohol, mouthwash, disinfectant sprays and other tall supplies.  Boxed items such as band-aids can be placed in a shoebox, if you’re on a budget, or a nice plastic container if you want to spend the money.  Shoeboxes are also great for oddly-shaped goods such as rolls of medical tape and bulb syringes.  Smaller boxes, saved from gift-giving, can organize things like thermometers, extra toothbrushes, and razor cartridges.

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Organizing doesn’t have to be difficult.  Think outside the box and use found containers around the house, or splurge and buy a great system.  With a little work, you can organize everything in the house!

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