
Facts About Dental Veneers You Should Know

You have probably been wondering how people get the perfect smiles they have. You probably know of a friend with a fantastic smile, and you often wonder how you can improve your smile too. Well, some of these people with amazing and white smiles have dental veneers. Dental veneers are an excellent option for enhancing your smile and treating other dental problems, such as misshapen teeth. Dental veneers are made of thin shells of porcelain or ceramic and are bonded directly to the surfaces of your front teeth.

Dental Visits

One of the things that you need to know is that you cannot get the perfect smile you desire after an initial dental consultation. Several vital steps must be taken before dental veneers are installed. For starters, your dentist must carry out a smile analysis to determine whether or not you are a candidate for dental bridges parkland fl. Sometimes the dentist might recommend other invasive solutions before considering dental veneers. That means that you don’t get the dental veneers on the spot.

Customized Smile

The good thing with dental veneers is that they allow you to customize your smile. You can have things you don’t like about your teeth changed or minimized. The dentist will measure your bite, pulp tissue and enamel thickness. These things are factored in when crafting your veneers so that they are personalized to your smile.

Bonding Sensitivity

Almost half of the patients that get veneers experience some sensitivity. You shouldn’t panic if this happens to you. The sensitivity is often as a result of the reaction between the bonding cement and your teeth. The best part is that the sensitivity doesn’t last for long. It usually lasts for about six hours after the anesthesia. If it lasts for days, it’s wise to visit your dentist for the removal of the excess cement.

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You need dental veneers if you want a perfect smile. You can visit your dentist for a consultation. You will also get aftercare suggestions to maintain that perfect smile.

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