Lifestyle, Leisure, & Art Wellness

Self-Care Success

In today’s rushed world it is vital to stop and take some time for yourself. Self-care, or simply carving out time for your personal well-being, is essential for a healthy, long life. Maybe you have weekly self-care practices in place or perhaps this is your first time giving it a go. Seasoned pros and self-care novices can all benefit from these easy ways to decompress.  


One easy way to practice self-care is to set aside time to dive into your hobbies, both new and old. Knitting, painting, singing, crafting, baking, or cooking are some exciting outlets to consider exploring to disconnect and unwind from the daily hustle. Hobbies can be fun to perform with others to recharge and stay in touch with friends. Consider hosting a digital cooking lesson with friends around the country on a video call, or invite others to your home if they live locally. Love to read? Start a virtual book club that fosters creative discussion outside of your typical 9-5 grind.


Natural blood-pumping endorphins are an easy mood-booster and self-care necessity. Think about the activities you enjoy, and channel those into physical activity. Love nature? Challenge yourself to unwind by power walking instead of scrolling through social media on the couch. Other ideas include running, recreational dance or Zumba classes, yoga, barre, or other fitness studious in your city or online. Do you recharge by being around others? Join a recreational sports team where you can unwind and engage with new friends.


Sometimes the best way to recharge is to give back. Find a cause you are passionate about and spend some self-care time serving others. Seek out local service groups, animal shelters, food banks, local charities, or religious organizations. If you’d rather stay home consider asking your favorite charity about how you can serve them, perhaps by stuffing envelopes or making phone calls. Volunteering helps refocus your mind and focus on what matters. Plus, taking time to spread kindness makes others feel good along the way.

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Relax and Recharge

Sometimes the best way to treat yourself is with some quiet time. Create an in-home spa day with essential oils or candles, or save up for a day out at your local spa for a massage or facial. Other soothing options include creating calming music playlists, listening to audiobooks, or treating yourself to a nap.

Nourish your mental and physical well-being in a variety of ways to maintain a healthy life balance.

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