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How to Fight Burn-Out

When life’s stress gets in the way of your happiness, finding a way to relax and enjoy the moment can be an essential part of renewing your motivation to move forward. Here are three options to consider when life gets you down that can help you find yourself again.

Chase the Sunshine

Sometimes all you need is a change of pace, and a change of location to start feeling like yourself again. One of the very best things you can do to get that negative energy out again is to chase some good, old-fashioned vitamin D. If it’s warm, grab those Pali Hawaiian shoes and a nice, cold smoothie and head outdoors to enjoy nature any way you can. It not, find a park to walk in and enjoy the briskness of fresh air. It’ll help you feel less cooped up, and give you the boost you need to tackle that next big project. 

Listen to Music

Another great way to find yourself when you feel burnt out is by listening to music. Scan the radio for something new, or play Spotify roulette and land on a random playlist you never would’ve picked on your own. Listening to music can help your brain reset in an amazing way. Whether you’re into the oldies or you’re a hardcore BeyoncĂ© fan, find something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy and just go with it. 

Move Your Body

One of the very best ways to deal with stress is to just move your body. Whether that means taking your dog on a walk or hitting that SoulCycle class you’ve been dying to try out, exercising your body can be an effective way of taking a break from all that mental stress you’ve been putting your brain under. Exercising isn’t just about working out and feeling the burn, it’s a way to process emotions and get out the negative vibes that have been taking over your day. Find a way to make it fun, and you’ll be on the road to a mental health boost in no time. 

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Taking care of yourself is more than just eating your veggies and paying your bills on time. Life is more than just the hustle and bustle to get through the work week, so finding effective ways to fight burnout can be essential parts of your self-care. And besides, having a little fun outside or with music or exercise (or all three together) can make you happier even on a good day. 

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