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How to Care for a Heavy-Duty Swivel Caster

The heavy-duty swivel caster is built to last and is ideal for warehouse, mining, shipping, production, and manufacturing environments. There is a large selection of heavy-duty casters designed to support loads of up to 3500 lbs. Here are a few tips to help you maintain your heavy-duty swivel caster. Keeping the floor and wheels clean can make your caster last longer. You should also maintain the fittings and wheels of the casters, as well as lubricate them frequently. This article will discuss maintaining your casters for heavy-duty needs.

Keeping Floors Clean 

Regularly cleaning casters can increase their life span. In addition to routine cleaning, casters should be lubricated with high-quality all-purpose grease. Please ensure the grease is temperature-rated, as some types of heavy duty swivel caster are sensitive to it. Grease guns or a fingertip can apply the grease. Regular inspections will help you to identify issues earlier and prevent accidents.

Industrial floors are often covered with metal shavings and chips. Incorrectly chosen casters can absorb these into the treads, destroying them. Instead, choose heavy-duty casters made of high-impact polymer instead of soft materials. High-impact polymer wheels are made from machined, high-impact polymer. They also have crowned tread profiles to roll easily. Choosing high-impact polymer wheels is a smart choice for floor protection.

Lubricating Caster Wheels and Fittings

There are some important maintenance tasks that should be done regularly on heavy-duty swivel casters. One of these tasks is the regular lubrication of the wheels and fittings. Proper lubrication is necessary to avoid premature wear on the caster’s wheel. Also, casters should be inspected periodically to detect wear and damage.

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The casters should be lubricated every six months to keep working properly. Regular lubrication is important to ensure the casters maintain their performance for many years. If they need to be in a food-service environment, food-grade grease should be used. In case of high temperatures, you should use special grease. Heavy-duty swivel casters usually have three points where grease is applied. Therefore, lubrication is necessary every six months, while lubrication might be required more often.

Keeping Caster Wheels Free of Debris

Keeping heavy-duty swivel caster wheels free from debris is important for many reasons. For starters, they prevent rust, cause floor damage, and have a longer service life than other casters. However, heavy-duty casters can be tougher to push than lighter ones and require a higher rolling resistance, which can cause injuries. Physical overexertion is the leading cause of workplace injuries, so avoiding this common injury is essential.

A heavy-duty swivel caster’s rolling resistance is the amount of effort required to move the cart over uneven surfaces. To make a large diameter wheel bridge gap between the elevator car and the floor, the support arm of the caster must be raised above the object to ensure that it isn’t knocked over. Large wheels also require more space because they sweep space as they rotate.

Choosing a Caster 

If you’re buying a heavy-duty swivel cart, you’ll be faced with various options. Many styles and materials are available, from large wheels to small ones. Choosing the right one can be tricky, but a buying guide can walk you through each option’s options and benefits and drawbacks. 

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One of the most important factors to consider when selecting casters is the “load,” which refers to how much weight each caster can support. It is simple to calculate the load required for each caster or wheel: simply divide the weight of the furniture, equipment, or cargo by the number of casters. If the load is too heavy, an underrated caster may not be up to the task. A poor-quality heavy-duty caster can fail under heavy loads, causing damage to the load and worker. It also makes the load much more difficult to push. 

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